A celebration of Haitian-Dominican heritage at Brooklyn Borough Hall
BROOKLYN, NY, Special to H-O ― Hundreds gathered at Brooklyn Borough Hall, a beacon of unity, for Quisqueya : A Celebration of Haitian and Dominican Heritage on Friday. The first-of-its-kind event was hosted by Brooklyn council members Rafael L. Espinal, Jr.; Farah N. Louis; and Antonio Reynoso to highlight the similarities in the cultural Diasporas, honor their legacies and global contributions while encouraging the preservation of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Haiti and the Dominican Republic to unify both communities. “Quisqueya is a celebration of two countries and two cultures that share one island. Even though there’s a troubled history, here in New York City we’ve seen what’s possible when we act united. We forge unity from our diversity, and sustain that unity even in times of hardship. I’m proud to come together with my colleagues Council Member Farah Louis and Council Member Antonio Reynoso to lead this celebration and to honor outstanding members of our community. Together, as leaders in New York City, we can’t forget the problems of our home countries, but we have a responsibility to come together in spaces like this to celebrate what we have achieved, and strengthen our kinship with one another. The change we make in our city, the pride we bring to our culture, all of this is in our hands no matter what the politics are at home. If we stay true to this, then we will continue to stand as examples of true unity,” said Council Member Rafael L. Espinal, Jr.
“Before colonialism, revolutions, and declarations of independence, there was Quisqueya. As compatriots and descendants of this land, we are forever bound together by our history. No border should ever divide what was once united. We are one people, one island, One Brooklyn. This joint celebration alongside my colleagues, Council Members Rafael L. Espinal, Jr. and Antonio Reynoso, is a historic step forward to reunite the eastern and western sides of an island that will be stronger together. This event was not just a celebration, but the start of a conversation that I hope will bring forth ideas and solutions to help resolve conflicts in Brooklyn and on the island, ”said Council Member Farah N. Louis.
“I am proud to co-host “Quisqueya : A Celebration of Haitian and Dominican Heritage” alongside my colleagues, Council Members Farah Louis and Rafael Espinal Jr.,” said Council Member Antonio Reynoso. “This evening’s event pays homage to the Dominican and Haitian cultures and recognizes their shared roots on the island of Hispaniola. It is my pleasure to honor Gregory E Louis, a community lawyer with Communities Resist whose parents hail from Haiti, and Raul King, a dedicated public servant with roots in the Dominican Republic, for their contributions to the Haitian and Dominican communities. I look forward to more opportunities to help bridge cultures within Brooklyn and throughout New York City.”
The Dominican Republic and Haiti are among the top ten countries of birth for the 3.1 million foreign-born New York City residents whose cultural foot print and contributions undeniable. From community organizing and advocacy to diplomacy, the five honorees have been catalysts for change – both locally and globally. They were Genesis Aquino, a human rights activist and community organizer; diplomat Raymond A. Joseph; Gregory Louis, Esq., a community lawyer; Raul King, a community advocate ; and the late New York State Senator José R. Peralta who championed the NYS DREAM Act. Each honoree was presented with a New York City Council proclamation in recognition of their extraordinary work in public service, outstanding leadership and contributions to the Haitian and Dominican diasporas.
“I am thankful to those who recognized my contribution in the struggle for democracy and unity in the two Republics that share Quisqueya or Haiti, Land of Mountains, as the original Taïno people called it. Having been born in the Dominican Republic and raised in Haiti from the time that I was eight years old, I feel honored to be recognized by American Council members of both Dominican and Haitian ancestry, a testimonial to those in our motherlands that “In Unity there’s Strength,” as expressed in a Haitian motto which goes along with “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity,” said Raymond A. Joseph.
“It is imperative to dismantle the myths of ‘race’ that have been instituted and internalized as hard-core values and beliefs that continue to perpetuate hate and separate people be creating “others” who are subsequently used as scapegoats and seen as less than human. The movement is to celebrate our commonalities while we honour our differences,
It is the only way for all of us to heal from these systems of superiority and oppression,” said Clarivel Ruiz, Founder of Dominicans Love Haitians Movement.
“We were honored to host the inaugural Quisqueya celebration at the People’s House, honoring Dominican and Haitian heritage and the close ties between the two cultures. Since I took office as borough president, I have endeavored to forge bonds between communities, highlighting what unites us while celebrating our differences. Quisqueya is very much in keeping with our mission to create One Brooklyn, and I thank Council Members Louis, Espinal, Reynoso, and others for their steadfast partnership,” said Brooklyn Borough President Eric L.Adams
cet article est publié par l’hebdomadaire Haïti-Observateur édition du 30 octobre 2019 Vol. XXXXIX No.42, et se trouve en P. 3 à : http://haiti-observateur.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/H-O-30-octob-2019.pdf