- She added one more year to her centennial status
Anne L. Arnoux-Castagne turned another page last Saturday, October 19, when she added one more year to her record to become 106 years old.
Indeed, it was an occasion to celebrate, whatnot with having given birth to nine children and being a matriarch who counts 80 grandchildren and great-grand- children, up to the fourth generation. Born October 19, 1913 in Maïssade, near Hinche, in the Plateau Central, Anne was the first of three children in the family. She has outlived her two brothers.
According to Myrtha Castagne, one of Anne’s daughters, “she married at age 30, to the love of her life, René Castagne, our father, and raised us with much love.” Anne’s younger husband died in 2014, while in his 90s. Also departing for the eternal life, are five of her own children. Almost all those still alive were with her on Saturday, including most of the grand-and great-grandchildren Anne emigrated to the United States with her husband in 1967 at age 54, leaving her country of birth after a half century of existence. So far, she has defied, by four decades, the 2018World life expectancy ranking of Haitians at a combined 63.5 years, with men living, on average, 61.3 years and women 65.7.
When asked to whatshe attributes her long life, Anne readily says: “It’s God’s grace. I stay at the feet of the Lord,” and she mentions Psalm 91 which, in the New King James version of the Bible, is entitled: “Safety in abiding in the presence of God.” Quoting the first verse, she goes on: “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High abides under the shadow of the Almighty.” She pauses, then adds, “He keeps me safe from danger.”
We join Anne’s numerous offspring in wishing her good health and as many more years that the Almighty has in store for her. May she continue to be blessed with good health and remain the person that she is, having had the opportunity to witness the expansion of herself in the multiplicity of her progeny! Ad multos annos Anne L. Arnoux-Castagne !
cet article est publié par l’hebdomadaire Haïti-Observateur édition du 23 octobre 2019 Vol. XXXXIX No.41, et se trouve en P. 9, 15 http://haiti-observateur.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/H-O-23-oct-2019.pdf