le manke gid, pep la gaye
Échos de Natania Étienne d’Israël

Échos de Natania Étienne d’Israël La semaine dernière, sous le titre «How can they be called Chris tians while flaunting the teachings of Jesus Christ» (Comment se dire chrétiens, tout en transgressant les enseignements de Jésus-Christ), Raymond Joseph, co-fondateur d’Haïti-Observateur, avait publié, en anglais, un article dans lequel il a fustigé les «Évangéliques», aux États-Unis, s’affublant de l’épithète «chrétien». De Bat Yam, village proche de Tel Aviv, en Israël, où elle jouit de sa semi-retraite, depuis tantôt cinq ans,…

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How can they be called Christians while flaunting the Teachings of Jesus Christ ? by Raymond A Joseph*

How can they be called Christians while flaunting the Teachings of Jesus Christ ? by Raymond A Joseph* On reading a story in The New Yorker, September 2, 2020, I could not contain myself and felt unable to wait for the publication of my memoirs, still in the writing stage, to address the issue of racism among those calling themselves Christians, while going against the teachings of Jesus Christ in whose mantle they wrap themselves. The title of the…

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Titre publié : Haïti, RAJ, USA Commentaires fermés sur How can they be called Christians while flaunting the Teachings of Jesus Christ ? by Raymond A Joseph*