le manke gid, pep la gaye

DIPLOMATIE INTERNATIONALE & SOCIÉTÉ par Dan Albertini Rev. BARRY BLACK en Prière au Sénat Américain ou MITT ROMNEY EST-IL LE CURATEUR DE DIEU AU SÉNAT ? Entre (), CARICOM, est-on complice du rapt politique en Haïti : silence. Fermons-les ().  Que ça se passe dans l’Haïti de Duvalier (ère papa doc), il n’y a rien d’anormal ni de grave, c’est régulier. Vilénie chez le palmiste orné de la pintade, vous savez le reste. Prévision d’après Eugene P Lyle Jr, World Works…

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Haitian-American Rodneyse Bichotte becomes chair of the Brooklyn Democratic Party  by Raymond A Joseph

Haitian-American Rodneyse Bichotte becomes chair of the Brooklyn Democratic Party  by Raymond A Joseph We apologize to our readers and to Assembly member Rodneyse Bichotte for the mistake which occurred in our last issue in which the following story about Assembly member whose pictures were mistakenly used to illustrate another unrelated story. As the saying goes, it’s never too late to do good. Our congratulations to the new chair of the Brooklyn Democratic Party. RAJ Brooklyn, N.Y. On Monday,…

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Titre publié : NY, Politique, RAJ Commentaires fermés sur Haitian-American Rodneyse Bichotte becomes chair of the Brooklyn Democratic Party  by Raymond A Joseph