Massive deportation of Haitians from the Bahamas… Fayette Théodore, Ph.D
SPECIAL To H-O : The heartless Bahamian Prime Minister, Hubert Minis, announced this week the massive deportation of illegal Haitian victims of Hurricane Dorian.
In a meeting held in his office, on September 23, Mr. Minis announced to a group of Haitian leaders that a plan for the relocation of the legal residents of Abaco victims of hurricane Dorian. The Bahamian government, he said, has allocated a $5 million budget to build a big tent in Abaco to replace the multiple shelters spread in Nassau.
Mr. Minis indicated that beginning next month; however, all illegal immigrants will be arrested and deported to Haiti. Keeping the victims of Dorian in the shelters served as a trap for illegal Haitians who will be victims twice. Having lost family members, friends, children, their belongings, now they will also lose their hope. Emotionally disturbed by their loss of lives and belongings, the illegal Haitian victims of Hurricane Dorian deserve a far better treatment. Fayette Théodore, Ph.D
cet article est publié par l’hebdomadaire Haïti-Observateur, édition du 25 septembre 2019 Vol. XXXXIX no.38, et se trouve en P.12 à : http://haiti-observateur.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/H-O-25-sept-2019.pdf