Roland Magloire age 83, of Cap-Haitien, Haiti passed away on July 17, 2019. He will be remembered for his lifetime and tireless devotion, pride and passion for Haiti; his never ending effort to defend its people, participate in the further democratizing of its politics; and, to share far and wide, its rich history. Roland’s love for Haïti was active and visible. All who came into contact with him felt it; a love that he pursued to the end. His love for his family also shared a big space in his heart. To us he was a husband, papi and grandpa Roland. His patience was legendary, his openness to new ideas and perspectives admirable, and his humor pleasant and contagious. He was kind and gentle with us always, supportive to no end, and attentive. His intelligent conversations, smiling face, readiness to have fun and go get some ice cream will be missed deeply.
Roland was preceded in death by 7 of his siblings.
He is survived by his devoted wife: Suzie; 3 loving daughters: Sachelle Magloire-Prosper and her husband Hantz, Tania Magloire and Rollie Magloire, 3 grandchildren:
Noah, Naomi and Sacha Prosper, and brothers: Camille Magloire and Clemenceau Magloire.
Financial donations will be collected for a permanent tribute in honor of Roland Magloire’s commitment to Haiti. These funds will be entirely donated to a cause, yet to be determined, to support Haitians development directly.
Friends may visit Wednesday, July 24, 2019 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM with a Tributes of a Lifetime Service at 8:00 PM at Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care, University Drive Chapel.
Le pasteur Marcel Antoine Saint-Ckair est décédé en Floride
Un grand ami du journal a disparu, en la personne du pasteur Marcel Antoine Saint-Clair. Il a rendu l’âme dans une mais de repos, à Margate, en Floride, où il se trouvait interné depuis plusieurs mois. Il était âgé de 84 ans.
Il laisse dans le deuil, son épouse, née Nicole Mathieu; ainsi que ses enfants : Marcel Antoine Saint-Clair jr et son épouse, née Ynick Dorvil et leurs enfants, Jacqueline et Imanie Saint-Clair; Martine Session et son époux Don.
Il est aussi survécu par ses beau-frère et belles-sœurs : M. et Mme André Cyprien (Mme née Ghislaine Mathieu), M. et Mme Maxson Castel (Mme née Ketly Mathieu), Leslie Mathieu et Daniel Mathieu. L’exposition des restes du défunt aura lieu, le vendredi 26 juillet, à 7 heures p.m., à la Première Église baptiste haïtienne de Pompano, sise au 333 Martin Lugher King Jr. Blvd, Pompano, Florida. Les funérailles seront chantées le samedi 27 juillet, dès 10 heures du matin, à la même adresse.
cet article est publié par l’hebdomadaire Haïti-Observateur, édition du 24 juillet 2019, Vol.XXXXIX No.29 et se trouve en P. 15 à : http://haiti-observateur.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/H-O-24-juillet-2019.pdf